National Crime Victims’ Rights Week will be observed April 18–24, 2021. Join us during this week long initiative to promote victims’ rights, and honor crime victims and those who advocate on their behalf.
This year the Child First Advocacy Center and the Rutland County State’s Attorney’s Office have partnered together to raise awareness about the services they provide for victims of crime. The theme this year is “Support Victims. Build Trust. Engage Communities.” The Child First Advocacy Center focuses on the discovery, intervention, treatment, and prevention of child sexual and physical abuse. The Rutland County State’s Attorney’s Office dedicates itself to the prosecution of crimes in our community and ensuring victims’ rights throughout that process, including their right to receive notice, to be present for court proceedings and the right to be heard.
Within these agencies there are advocates, prosecutors, law enforcement officers any many others that devote themselves to supporting victims. Our agencies address the needs of victims and their families which include mental health, medical assistance, housing, substance abuse and childcare.
If you are a victim of crime we encourage you to engage with the resources available. Together, the Child First Advocacy Center and Rutland County State’s Attorneys office work to provide victims and victim’s family’s support after reporting a crime, we are here throughout law enforcement interviews, trial preparations, and court proceedings and work to give victims the voice, strength and support they deserve.
The Child First Advocacy Center and The Rutland County State’s Attorney’s Office thank the National Association of VOCA Assistance Administrators, Office for Victims of Crime ,within the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, for the opportunity to promote community awareness of crime victims’ rights and services during the 2021 National Crime Victims’ Rights Week.