Monday - Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm 1-802-747-0200

Child First Advocacy Center of Rutland County

Helping kids and families end the cycle of abuse

Our mission is to provide a safe and supportive environment to assist victims and their families in the discovery, intervention, treatment and prevention of child sexual abuse, severe physical abuse, and families affected by violence.

Who We Are

Who We Are

The Child First Advocacy Center is a non-profit organization and a place where children who may have been sexually or physically abused can be interviewed in an environment designed with their comfort in mind. We provide a connection to other agencies and services for support and healing.
What We Do

What We Do

At the Child First Advocacy Center we use the Child Advocacy Center (CAC) model based approach. This approach is a child-focused, collaborative through which a response to child abuse is coordinated.


As adults in our community, we have a responsibility to protect the children around us. Please view our resources to learn how to prevent, recognize, respond to, and report child abuse so that you can help keep our community safe.

The Importance of the CAC

Before the CAC, a child was interviewed repeatedly by many professionals. With the CAC model all that has changed.

The amount of times the child must disclose the abuse is significantly decreased, sparing the child from re-victimization and minimizing their trauma.

Get Involved at the Center....

The Child First Advocacy Center has diverse, flexible, and meaningful opportunities for those interested in volunteering their time and unique talents toward meeting the needs of children traumatized by abuse.


