From the time a child makes an outcry of abuse until the end of a criminal trial can take months or even years. The Family Advocate provides support and information to non-offending families involved with the multi-disciplinary team (MDT). This program was developed to provide a continuum of care for clients from the first day they come to the Center until the end of the resulting criminal trial. Providing a consistent person clients can rely on to resolve concerns, provide information and refer them to services eases the confusion and stress our clients endure throughout the judicial process.

Services Include:

Crisis Interview

Crisis interviews are conducted by the family advocate with the caregivers while their child is being forensically interviewed. A crisis interview explores the abuse-related needs of the caregivers, provides education on the investigation process, and provides general reassurance and support. After the crisis interview, the family advocate follows up with the caregivers for up to several months to assist with any additional services and referrals the family may need.




Family Advocates work collaboratively with the MDT and non-offending family members to ensure that the client’s voice is heard. The caseworker acts as a “middle-man” between the MDT and the client to enhance communication. Click here to learn more about the MDT.




Family Advocates provide emotional support for clients as they proceed through the judicial system. Advocates from Child First Advocacy Center and the State’s Attorney’s Office will collaborate to provide support before, during, and after court proceedings involving the children and their non-offending family members.



Information & Resources

Family Advocates provide information to clients regarding the status of their case. Advocates make appropriate referrals for clients as needs arise which means at any point throughout the case the advocate will be able to make necessary referrals.





If you would like to contact an advocate at our center please email!